Will you be his miracle?

Meet our special needs animals

Share your special love for animals – sponsor a special needs dog or cat.

Day in and day out, we find safe, happy homes for dogs and cats in need. But sometimes a pet with a chronic illness is too much for an adopter to take on. We get that. So when a special pet has special needs, we provide all the medical treatment and loving, lifelong care they deserve. You can help by becoming a sponsor. For just $15 a month, you’ll stay at the side of an animal who needs you, giving them the forever love of a forever home — even if they never leave our campus.

Meet our special needs animals

Little Man was born in a puppy mill.

Irresponsible breeding left Little Man with deformities in both hind legs and microphthalmos, a condition which shrinks the eyes, causing blindness in Little Man’s left eye. In the mill, these imperfections would have meant certain death for an otherwise healthy young pup. Luckily, our Mobile Rescue Team saved his life.

Our medical staff fit Little Man with a state-of-the-art mobility cart so he can run and romp with other dogs without a thought to his disability. Our active, fun-loving Little Man now receives the kind of love and attention all dogs and cats deserve — your sponsorship guarantees he always will.

Sponsor Little Man, and you’ll get more than just a warm, fuzzy feeling that comes with helping animals in need...

Meet More Special Needs Animals

Lana’s brain condition requires lifelong care.

Little Lana was just six months old when she arrived at our no-kill campus. Blind and subject to severe seizures, Lana has been diagnosed with cerebellar hypoplasia, a condition that prevents her brain from developing properly. Her disorder also causes her to walk sluggishly, as if she’s coming home from a hard day. Our care providers say Lana will take a couple steps and roll over, almost as if to say, “I’m done. Rub my belly now.” Her condition certainly hasn’t slowed her affectionate nature, though! And she’ll be able to live with her condition with regular medication and check-ups.

But we will never give up on Lana — and know you won’t either. When you sponsor Lana, you ensure she’ll receive the loving care she needs, no matter what.

Meet More Special Needs Animals

Mildred is a victim of irresponsible breeding

Despite her frail health — a sign of the neglect she experienced living in a breeding facility — Mildred wants to greet everyone with hugs and kisses. This six-year-old Pug mix struggles with hypothyroidism that had been left undiagnosed, and has led to multiple symptoms, including skin abnormalities and infections and hair loss. In mills like Mildred’s, animals are euthanized once they’re no longer viable for breeding. But not Mildred — and not at North Shore Animal League America.

With your monthly support, Mildred will receive our full support and care for the rest of her life. Help this sweet girl heal and get the love she deserves with a monthly gift.

Meet More Special Needs Animals

Sponsor the Nursery
Can’t pick one? Care for our entire nursery.

Each day, our Sponsorship Nursery echoes with the cries of orphaned and newborn puppies and kittens. Sometimes, these newborns come into our care when an owner is unable to care for their pet’s litter. Other times, an overcrowded shelter will ask us to support a pregnant dog or cat, who would otherwise likely be euthanized.

With friends like you at our side, we jump in to nurture and love every little animal on our campus. From the moment they come into our care, we tend to their every need, bottle-feeding them every few hours, and ensuring they feel safe. As they grow healthy, strong, and playful, they quickly attract attention from potential adopters!

By supporting the Animal League’s Sponsorship Nursery, you’ll help care for newborn animals in need, ensuring that every puppy and kitten has the best chance to find a loving, permanent home.