Can I get cat back from my mom? | Legal Advice | Blog | Animal League

Can I get cat back from my mom?


My mom has a cat that is under my name. But because I was sick for a little bit she has had it over a month . Am I allowed to get the cat back without the court? W hat are the steps?


One's right to remove a cat from the cat's present location depends on the situation. There are issues of theft and trespassing that could arise in certain circumstances particularly when the parties have a different view about an animal "ownership." A microchip registration is one indication of "ownership" but does not always prove "ownership." If litigated, courts will consider the totality of the evidence presented, such as what transpired after the microchip registration (for example, was the animal sold, given away, abandoned, or boarded). I hope that you and your mother can work out the cat's custody arrangement in an amicable way that considers the cat's best interests.

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By |2017-10-20T11:50:13-04:00February 16th, 2017|

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