Pet Adoption agency requires spaying/neutering on owned pet.

////Pet Adoption agency requires spaying/neutering on owned pet.


A Pet Adoption agency is trying to force us to spay our 8 year old dog that we own before they will process our application to adopt another dog. How can they force this on us? We feel this could be a risk to our present dog and they said their policy is not about birth control. It is about their own agenda that they are trying to force on other people & pets that are already in good homes. It seems their PERSONAL agenda comes before giving the rescue pet a good home.


Animal shelters and rescue organizations have discretion on the placement of their animals. Spaying and neutering help to control the overpopulation of dogs, cats, and other animals. Perhaps a letter from a veterinarian who has examined your dog certifying that spaying would endanger the health of your dog will help to convince the pet adoption agency to reconsider your adoption application. Consider, however, that your veterinarian may not agree with your assessment that spaying would be a risk to your dog.

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By |2024-09-04T16:28:27-04:00July 31st, 2024|