Amnesty from being neutered.


I am looking for the proper word or words to ask for Amnesty for my almost adopted German Shepherd/Mix dog from being neutered and harassed by Animal Shelter. Thank you kindly.


I cannot offer you any words to stop the shelter from neutering an “almost adopted” dog. Spaying and neutering help to curtail the overpopulation of dogs (and other animals) and can provide health benefits. Note that Georgia law states:

a) Any public or private animal shelter, animal control agency operated by a political subdivision of this state, humane society, or public or private animal refuge shall make provisions for the sterilization of all dogs or cats acquired from such shelter, agency, society, or refuge by:
(1) Providing sterilization by a licensed veterinarian before relinquishing custody of the animal; or
(2) Entering into a written agreement with the person acquiring such animal guaranteeing that sterilization will be performed by a licensed veterinarian within 30 days after acquisition of such animal in the case of an adult animal or within 30 days of the sexual maturity of the animal in the case of an immature animal…

This chapter shall not prohibit the adoption by any political subdivision of this state of shelter policies which are more stringent than the requirements of this chapter.

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By |2024-05-06T10:55:01-04:00February 28th, 2024|

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