Can animal control take my dog from my apartment?


My wife and I recently adopted a 4-year-old dog, and on the first day in the new place, the dog was barking until I came home because I had to leave work early to deal with it. The woman who runs the admissions office said tenants threatened to call animal control, and they would have to let them in. Are they legally allowed to take the dog if it is barking all day in the apartment away from anyone else?


Many municipalities have enacted noise ordinances which include provisions concerning barking dogs. These laws usually provide for a fine, not confiscation. While animal control officers do not normally have the authority to seize a dog simply for barking, I cannot say what some officers will do. It is important to make sure that the dog is licensed (some laws allow animal control officers to seize unlicensed dogs). The dog should also be microchipped. Most importantly, consider doggy daycare and/or a humane dog trainer so the dog will be more content and happy. Adapting to a new home can be stressful for any dog, particularly when left alone.

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By |2024-03-26T09:29:14-04:00January 15th, 2024|

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