Can homeowner insurance be sued if my dog killed another dog outside my home?


My mom's dog, lab mix, ran out of the house and bit and killed a small dog. They were across the street. Owner of deceased dog says she wants 3k for her dog or she will put a claim on my homeowners insurance. Can this happen?


I am very sorry to hear about the small dog who was killed. People whose animal was killed by another animal can sue to try to get compensated for the loss. The court will consider the evidence and determine liability (who was at fault) and damages (how much money, if any, should be awarded to the person whose animal was killed). People often refer claims against them to their homeowner’s insurance carrier to try to avoid litigation and to have the claim paid by the insurance company.

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By |2023-04-24T14:45:18-04:00February 2nd, 2023|

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