Can I be sued if I rehome my dog?


The contract I signed says I can't rehome the dog I adopted. On top of adoption fees I have spent hundreds of dollars getting up to date on everything including nurturing. I feel she is mine and if things aren't working out 3 months later I should be able to find a perfect home. Can they sue me? If so, sue me for what? For what I paid for her?


Adoption agreements are legally binding contracts. People who object to provisions in the contract can choose not to sign the contract and can go elsewhere to adopt. Many shelters include a provision in their adoption contracts requiring adopters who no longer want to keep the animal to return the animal to the shelter. The purpose of this provision is to give the shelter an opportunity to screen potential adopters to better ensure that the animal will be placed in a loving home. Shelters can sue for the return of the animal and for money. Some adoption agreements specifically state what the potential liability of an adopter may be for violating the adoption agreement, including, for example, returning the animal, compensating the shelter for its attorneys’ fees to attempt to enforce the contract, liquidated damages, etc. Many shelters, however, will work with an adopter who found a new home for the animal they no longer wish to keep as long as the shelter has an opportunity to screen the potential adopter.

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By |2023-01-10T10:29:32-04:00November 30th, 2022|

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