Is it a crime to leave my dog outside the door of a store?


My dog goes with me everywhere I go. Most people know her and love to pet her, she's very good black lab. A month ago I was in the store for 5 minutes, when I went outside my dog was gone. I was frantic asking all over about the dog and called the police. They met me a couple hours later, I gave them the information. It was late the next day somebody told me she was on Facebook. I contacted the people, met him at the police station and got my dog back. Now I'm being charged with dog stray by the people who took her. I guess I left on good terms with the police. What should I do? Can they do that?


It’s unclear what you are being charged with but leaving a dog unattended in public may in some instances be construed (at least initially) as abandonment and may also violate local leash or other ordinances. Unattended dogs sometimes get stolen and abused. Dogs tied up on public streets may also get accidentally stepped on and may get spooked causing unpredictable behavior. I suggest you consult with an attorney in your area regarding the charges.

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By |2021-03-25T14:14:10-04:00December 30th, 2020|

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