My ex has my cat.


My ex-boyfriend has my cat. We separated two years ago, and ever since I have been trying to get her back. He has left her alone twice for 14 days to go to Mexico. He told me that he had someone going there every few days to check up on her, but he doesn't realize that that is abuse. I'm trying to get ahold of the woman who gave me the cat. I'm pretty sure I can find her house again. If she says that she gave the cat to me will I be able to get my cat back?


People who believe their animal is being wrongfully withheld can sue to try to get the animal returned. Proof that the cat was given to you does not negate what transpired afterwards. Courts will consider the circumstances under which your ex got possession of the cat after you split up (including why you did not keep the cat at that time if the cat was yours). Courts may (but may not) consider that at some point after being adopted/purchased the cat was gifted or abandoned. People who believe an animal is being neglected should contact the police and other local law enforcement authorities in their area that enforce animal protection laws (some humane societies and SPCAs have the power to enforce animal cruelty/neglect laws). However, there is nothing in the law which provides that people who make cruelty/neglect complaints are entitled to get possession of the animal.

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By |2019-07-10T14:23:57-04:00July 10th, 2019|

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