My neighbor wants to separate kittens from the mother.


My neighbor has a cat and it has continuously had kittens on our porch, none of which have been taken care of by my neighbor. My neighbor's cat pretty much lives with us and we have to feed her because our neighbor wont. A couple weeks ago, the cat had kittens again, but this time my neighbor wants to take them to what potentially could be a kill shelter. What can I do about this? I've been feeding them everyday and I have been with them since they were born.


I hope that you and your neighbor can work out a humane plan so that the kittens can remain with their mother for now, ideally indoors. I suggest contacting a local rescue to discuss adoption for the kittens when they are old enough and for assistance now, if needed. I also suggest that the mother cat get spayed when it is safe to do so (consult a veterinarian). There are so many homeless cats. Spaying and neutering not only help to reduce the tragic results of overpopulation but also provide health benefits.

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By |2019-06-17T13:48:42-04:00June 17th, 2019|

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