

Two days ago, I rehomed my dog with the understanding that I could get her back if things didn't work out. Within 24 hours, I decided to get my dog back. I texted the lady to get her address, and she said she would text me today with her address so I could pick up my dog. Last night, she texted back and said her boys want to keep the dog. We did not have a contract, no bill of sale, or any money exchanges. The dog is microchipped to me. Can I legally get my dog back?


The decision to rehome an animal should be carefully considered before doing so. People who rehome their animal generally have no further rights to that animal and the person with whom the animal was rehomed generally has no legal obligation to return the animal, unless there was an agreement that stated otherwise. An agreement to get an animal returned if things don’t work out would typically mean that the adopter/purchaser could return the animal if he/she felt things were not working out, not that the person who rehomed the animal has the right to get the animal returned, simply by changing his/her mind. While a microchip can be persuasive evidence of ownership, it does not prove ownership in every instance. It does not and should not negate what transpired after, such as when a person rehomes an animal. Regrets do not equal rights. People who believe that their animal is being wrongfully withheld can sue to try to get the animal returned. I hope this works out in the best interests of the dog!

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By |2023-09-22T16:52:43-04:00August 22nd, 2023|

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