Was supposed to receive a puppy.


I was talking with somebody who had puppies available. I even went to go see the puppy. I was guaranteed I would have the puppy on Friday which would be tomorrow. I just received a text today that the puppy was sent to a different home. What are my options? My family was very excited about this. New addition I don’t know why I would be promised a puppy, and then they would rehome her the day before I’m supposed to pick her up. My children are going to be devastated. I am devastated given I had bought so many things for the new puppy that I was guaranteed to be picking up tomorrow… I am so upset. Do I have any options? Can I bring them to court? They have now blocked me off of Facebook and my phone number but I have screenshots of everything. Please let me know. Thank you.


While I cannot predict the outcome of any given case, when a seller no longer has the animal he/she offered for sale, a lawsuit to try to get the animal would likely be to no avail. People who paid for an animal and then don’t get the animal or a refund (and there are scams so this does happen) would have a more winnable case. Complaints may also be made to the state Attorney General and consumer protection agencies and organizations. Consider adopting from an animal shelter or animal rescue organization. There are so many wonderful dogs and other animals waiting for a loving home.

PLEASE NOTE: Responses to legal inquiries are not meant to replace seeking legal advice from an attorney in your state. The materials in this website and any responses to questions are for informational purposes only and are not intended, nor should they be construed, as legal advice. This website, the information contained herein, and any responses to questions directed to this column are not intended to create and do not establish an attorney-client relationship. You should not rely or act upon any information provided on this website or in any response to your inquiry without seeking the advice of an attorney in your state regarding the facts of your specific situation.

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By |2023-08-21T11:52:14-04:00July 20th, 2023|

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