

Beth and Coco
Whatever you celebrate this month — Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, or Winter Solstice — December is pure magic. The lights on the trees, the light from the stars, and the candlelight — it all feels precious during the darkest month of the year. Memories feel precious, too, especially the memories of all my sweet 2024 fosters. I wish I could list each one, but believe me, they’re all in my heart. Here are just a few of the bright little lights from 2024.

This is Ruben (left), who went home with his Moma Ruby in January. His adorable face and mischievous personality made him one of my IG favorites. Seriously, no one could resist him. If you follow him @withlove.rubyandruben, you’ll see that he’s matured into a magnificent little lion while his beautiful Tortie mom, who was always shy, is coming out of her shell.

Klondike (right), a friendly purebred Snowshoe kitty, was found in a community colony. He was perfect, except for one thing: “tomcat urine.” When intact male cats reach puberty, their high testosterone levels make their urine
Klondike and Adopter
smell awful, so the poor kitties end up outside. That’s probably what happened to Klondike. Two weeks after we had him neutered, his urine no longer had that terrible scent, and we found him a wonderful home (left). Another reason to neuter your male cat! @klondikes.holler.

Technically, Sultan (right) was not my foster, but I’m not letting technicalities get in the way of his story. Although we never met, I fell in love with this chonk and declared him my boyfriend. He’d arrived at NSALA stuffed into a carrier and left on a sidewalk during the heat of summer. He needed to be an “only cat” and had many “almost” adoptions, so I continued to post him in all of his glory until “Ta-Da!” an awesome couple swept him off to his new home, where he rules …well… like a sultan! @sully_the_sultan.

Gramma Nappi
When this gentle 15-year-old longhaired Calico arrived in my program, I thought she was a Scottish Fold. I was wrong. Gramma’s misshapen ears resulted from untreated ear infections that must have been so painful. Plus, she was declawed. (Ouch!) I was thrilled that a wonderful family from Pennsylvania decided to make Gramma’s golden years perfect. When she arrived home in early October, she was greeted by a neighborhood welcoming committee! This made my heart so happy. @grammanappi.

Gramma's Homecoming

You could say that 2024 was the “Year of the Sweetpeas.” In April, I heard about a cat (right) whose owner had thrown her out of a third-floor window in Manhattan! (Sometimes people are monsters!) I asked for help transporting her to my vet hospital in Long Island, and within five minutes, I received dozens of emails from people ready and willing to help. (Sometimes people are angels!) Her name was Sweetpea, and aside from losing a few teeth, she survived the fall in good shape. We found her a lovely home where she will always be safe and cared for.

Then, in July, I met my second Sweetpea. Someone dumped two carriers in a crowded, hot parking lot. In one was a handsome young male cat, Phineas. We had him examined and neutered and found a great forever home. In the other carrier was his sister, a teeny thing, maybe seven months old, who needed her left eye

Boswell & Irving
removed…and she was pregnant! I promised her that once her nuggets were weaned, I would make sure she got the medical attention she deserved. She gave birth to four superstar kittens — Angus and Bernice (who captured the hearts of the vets who cared for them) and Boswell and Irving (left), who went home together. Over the
sfollowing weeks, Sweetpea was spayed, her eye was removed, and she underwent nasal enlargement surgery to help her breathe more easily. Then, on December 1, Sweetpea (now Phoebe) went home (right) to be reunited with her brother, Phineas, and a canine sister! I will NEVER forget her and the journey we shared. @life_ofriphinphee.

And now there is Bud (right). I wrote about him in my October blog — the cat who came in from the cold. He grows more trusting every day and loves indoor life. I feed him treats and pet him, and he never runs away from anyone. He shares a room with a litter of kittens, and when I reviewed the camera footage recently, I saw him jump the gate to visit them in their pen! He is a good boy, brave and handsome. I am so grateful to have him with us and wish only that all kitties were warm and loved.

So, in this season of giving, I urge you to remember the pets at your local shelter by fostering, volunteering, donating, organizing food collections, or sponsoring a pet. Playing Santa for homeless pets is such a meaningful thing to do this time of year.

Did you know that December 15 is National Cat Herders Day? Honestly, I felt like a cat herder as I reviewed all the stories of 2024, trying to choose which to highlight. Each was a gift I will treasure forever.

Wishing you a bright and happy December and a beautiful 2025.


Coco & Friends Calenadr
P.S. There is still time to order the perfect stocking stuffer: my Coco & Friends 2025 Calendar. 100 percent of the proceeds go to my foundation to save animals like those you just read about. Visit www.bethsfurryfriends.com.

Great American Rescue Bowl 2025

P.P.S. An early heads-up! Mark your calendars for the 2025 Great American Rescue Bowl on Sunday, February 9. It’s going to be another hilarious and heartwarming spectacle. Stay tuned for details…

By |2024-12-13T10:27:14-04:00December 10th, 2024|

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