Mobile Rescue Team Brings 43 Dogs and Puppies to Safety

At North Shore Animal League America, our no-kill mission knows no season. Rather, it is a year-round commitment to every dog, cat, puppy and kitten in need. As temperatures were dropping our Rescue Team met up in Missouri with our partners at National Mill Dog Rescue to help bring 43 dogs and puppies, who were rescued from the horrors and inhumane conditions of commercial breeding facilities, to the love and safety of our Port Washington, NY campus.

a woman holding a puppy
a woman holding a dog

As they traveled through the frigid cold, our new Mutt-i-grees were warm and cozy in our climate controlled mobile rescue unit. They arrived safely on Saturday, December 8, and were carefully unloaded into the waiting arms of our dedicated staff and volunteers. Our new arrivals included Shih Tzus, Cavalier King Charles, Poodles, Chiweenies, Maltese, Schnauzer/Chihuahua mixes, Pomeranians and Pomskys, a Sharpei pup, and one beautiful Old English sheepdog.

Among them was a sweet Chihuahua, named Tilly, who was born with parrot mouth – which means the bottom of her mouth is much smaller than the top, which results in her tongue hanging out of her mouth. “It’s a visual defect that means the mills won’t be able to sell her,” explains Rescue Coordinator Karla Agostinello, “She would have been euthanized for sure. She’s really the sweetest little thing.”

a woman holding a dog
a person holding a small dog

Please help us continue to pull animals out of the cruel and inhumane conditions of commercial breeding facilities.

The journey continues for these little survivors as they will now be given the expert medical attention that they have long been deprived, pampering and grooming to help clean them of their sad past. And lastly, a warm bed and full belly to let them know they are truly safe and sound.

Many of these hopeful animals will be available for adoption beginning this Friday, December 14,  at our Port Washington, NY Adoption Center. If you’re one of the lucky adopters to give them the loving, responsible homes they deserve, in return you will receive a lifetime of unconditional love.

It is thanks to the generous support of supporters like you that we are able to continue our lifesaving mission. Your donation to our Rescue Fund helps bring more animals to safety year after year.

By |2018-12-13T10:32:47-04:00December 11th, 2018|

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