Donor Spotlight: Sarah Sheahan

Feline Fanatic Turned Lifelong Advocate

Sarah’s passion for cats began early and has only picked up speed. “My family adopted a farm cat who was semi-feral when I was four and I have been obsessed with cats since,” Sarah explained. “By the time I was six, we adopted our second cat, Butchie, who was such a complete mush that he’d even let me dress him up.”

Sarah Sheahan Donor Spotlight

Butchie’s arrival coincided with a pivotal moment in Sarah’s life. A direct mail letter from North Shore Animal League America arrived at their home, introducing her to the organization’s mission to help homeless animals. When Sarah’s father, a firm believer in supporting those in need, presented her with a choice of charities, Sarah selected Animal League America, determined to ensure that the precious creatures she loves always found loving homes.

Since that defining moment, Sarah has been a steadfast supporter of Animal League America. Through the Pet Sponsorship Program, she virtually “adopts” many special-needs cats. “Cats are my spirit animals,” Sarah confided. “Knowing they’re safe and loved means everything to me.” Sarah has had eleven adopted feline companions over the years, and presently shares her life with Lila and Veda, both 7-year-old rescues who found their way into her heart and home. “They bring me comfort and joy every day,” she said.

Attending the Celebration of Rescue gala for the first time in November marked a significant moment for Sarah. “I felt immensely proud to support their vital work,” she shared. Reflecting on her late father, who introduced her to Animal League America’s lifesaving mission, Sarah knows he would be proud of her continued dedication to animal welfare. “He instilled in me compassion for animals,” she said. “I’m grateful to carry that forward.”

For Sarah, the arrival of the Animal League America newsletter still brings immense joy, knowing she plays a part in giving voice and life to those unable to speak. “I am pleased to be a supporter of NSALA and to all the cats (and dogs) who are in search of their forever families.

By |2024-09-18T16:43:01-04:00March 15th, 2024|

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