Keep Your Pet Smiling: The Importance of Dental Health

////Keep Your Pet Smiling: The Importance of Dental Health

Tell the truth: When was the last time you gave any thought to your pet’s dental health? If it’s been a while—or maybe never—you’re not alone. Studies reveal that about two-thirds of pet owners do not provide the dental care recommended by their veterinarians.

That’s a big mistake. Even though pets don’t often get cavities, they are susceptible to periodontal or gum disease, which is the number one illness found in both dogs and cats. That’s why it’s so important that pet lovers include dental hygiene in their animals’ health and wellness routine.

“Just like with people, dental disease can lead to all sorts of major health issues for animals,” explains Dr. Mark Verdino, Chief of Veterinary Staff at our Pet Health Centers. Dental hygiene is as important to your pets’ overall health as nutrition and exercise, he adds. “Gum inflammation and tooth loss can be very painful to your animals and costly to treat, but they also can lead to more serious conditions, including damage to the heart, lungs and kidneys.”

Estimates suggest that, by the time they are three years old, 80% of dogs and 70% of cats have oral disease. Some of the most common symptoms in both dogs and cats include yellow and brown build-up of tartar along the gum line; inflamed gums; and persistent bad breath. A change in eating habits or pawing at the mouth can also indicate dental disease.

But since dental problems often develop gradually, it’s easy to miss the signs until there is a bad infection. That’s why it’s critical to schedule a regular annual dental check-up with your pet’s veterinarian.

Below is more information you need to know help you prevent your beloved dog or cat from getting dental disease and add years to their life.

  • It’s important to brush your pet’s teeth as early as possible. The best time to start a tooth-brushing regimen is when their adult teeth are in, at about 6-9 months old. But getting puppies and kittens used to the process earlier is important.
  • Avoid dental products containing Xylitol (also known as Birch Sugar), as it is highly toxic to dogs and questionable to cats. NEVER use human toothpaste to clean pets’ teeth and gums.
  • Poor dental hygiene can lead to dental disease. Dental disease is caused by bacteria in the mouth and can result in oral pain, halitosis, tooth loss and periodontal disease, and it can even affect the heart, kidneys, intestinal tract and joints.
  • A pet in dental pain is not a happy pet, and the pain can affect his/her ability to eat, which can result in weight loss and malnutrition.

During a dental exam your veterinarian will determine the status of your pet’s dental needs. If your pet needs more advanced dental care, your vet will recommend the treatments needed and the approximate costs involved.

Always remember that regular check-ups are key to maintaining the overall health and wellbeing of your pet, and proper dental care is a big part of that.
