
What rights do I have as a foster parent?

A girl that I was friends with found six kittens behind a dumpster. Because I have an extra bedroom that is not being occupied, she asked me if I would take the kittens overnight. I agreed. Overnight turned into two nights and then 2 weeks and then 2 months and I have now had these kittens for almost 4 months. About 2 months into having these kittens my friend got a rescue group involved so the kittens could get vaccinated and spayed and neutered. I have never signed anything with this rescue group and now they are trying to take the kittens from me to adopt them out. I have become attached to the kittens since I've had them for 4 months and I am unwilling to give them up. They want to take legal action against me because I won't hand over the kittens. I just want to know what rights I have as someone who took these kittens in and now being threatened with legal action if I don't hand them over.

By |2025-01-21T11:38:04-04:00December 4th, 2024|

My ESA is being wrongfully held from me.

I have an ESA. I got her while I was living with my ex. I got her after my best friend died because I went into a severe depression. My abusive ex took me to a small claims court where he knew the judge and the judge made me give him the dog. I need this dog back; I have tried multiple avenues to get her back, and I keep getting told there’s nothing I can do.

By |2024-12-10T11:51:17-04:00November 19th, 2024|

Initiating a civil suit for ownership of abused cat I had adopted for someone.

End of Sept 2024 I signed adoption paperwork on behalf of my daughter's friend because she was underage & unable to legally adopt the cat with the understanding that she would take care of him properly & if she couldn't I would take ownership of the cat or return him to the humane society. We discussed transfer of ownership when she became of age if she could properly take care of him. Recently I have come to find that she has been abusive: throwing him in the air, shaking him, dragging him across the floor or outside when he refuses to walk, shoving his head into cat nip to try to force him to eat it when he doesn't want it, shoving him into the tub & holding him down after he jumped from the tub during a bath, locking him in a closet, using him as a puppet causing popping in his legs. She took in a stray prior to that & waited months to finally take her in for an eye infection & her apartment is always a mess with trash & food everywhere. She was already informed prior that I planned on taking him back if things didn't change. When things didn't, within a week I informed her I'd be picking him up & called the cops but was advised it was a civil matter since she refuses to return him believing she is a co-owner, but she is not on the paperwork at all as I am the legal owner. How do I go about initiating a civil suit for the return of the cat I adopted?

By |2024-12-10T11:29:16-04:00November 10th, 2024|

My ex is trying to take our dog back so she can euthanize her.

My ex acquired the dog is a puppy. She was already 5 when she came into my life. Around September of 2022, the ex asked me to take the dog, saying she’s better off with me. She offered to provide for food and vet expenses. I never asked my ex for any reimbursement and the dog food. The dog had just been put on a specialized kidney diet, which is rather expensive when you compare it to other dog food and requires a prescription. Now the dog is 16 with kidney disease but responding really well to treatment. She began having some health issues in September of this year and my ex is demanding the dog be euthanized. After having given her to me to care for she is now asking to take her so she can have her put down. I’m refusing to hand her over for this reason as well as the fact she is better off with me. Do I have a case?

By |2024-11-22T16:29:48-04:00November 1st, 2024|

Failure to rehome dog after offer.

I offered a dog for rehoming and did not ask for a rehoming fee because I could not keep him. He was abandoned with me when my husband left me. The person stated multiple times they wanted him. And I was transparent about the animal the whole time. In the messages it is clear I am dropping him off to the new owner. After I brought him to them, they decided they did not want him. Am I legally obligated to take him back. There is no ownership paper. No license. No vet records.

By |2024-11-22T16:38:42-04:00October 9th, 2024|

Custody Battle with my Ex After Separation.

Me and my ex got a dog 3 years ago after we lost a child. It was the family dogs, but we separated 2 years ago. The original agreement was that Monday through Friday she would drop her off before work and pick her up after. Because I was down and out after the break financially… I don’t have a home to sleep in at night, but I don’t have her at night though. We just hang out during the day. Until last month when I kind of threatened her because she threw all the personal material possessions my grandmother given away to me. I said the last memory I have of my grandma was Nala making my grandma laugh. So, I’m keeping that memory and Nala for good and safe so she can’t take it away. And since then, she has withheld me from seeing her. I go to her mother's house and try to see her. They hold the dog back, shush her from barking, etc.… Can I call the cops and be in the right and still get to see my best friend if I am financially unstable and what not? Because there is no lack of love, and she eats well every time she is with me. I take credit for her obedience given that she will listen to me over any of the family member. I’m not asking for full custody because I understand she is the family dog, but she is my best friend. Please help.

By |2024-09-11T15:53:54-04:00August 1st, 2024|

Rights to pet after owner’s passing.

My partner passed away and I'm taking care of his dog. He didn't have kids. His parents are going to proceed with probate. Since I'm taking the dog, I'm able to request a pension? Regards

By |2024-09-04T16:05:53-04:00July 18th, 2024|

Son wants gifted dog back after 5 years.

My son gave me my dog, Panda. I have had her for 5 years, and he has had no interest in her ever since, until she got pregnant. Now he wants her back. Do I have to give her back? I won't anyway, but I just wanted to know if I'm going get in trouble. She's mine.

By |2024-09-04T15:58:42-04:00July 10th, 2024|
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