Emergency Pet Rescue

Hawaii Felines Find Sanctuary at Animal League America

North Shore Animal League America collaborated with rescue partner Lucky Paws Animal Foundation to save cats and kittens impacted by the devastating fires in Maui. On September 10, 17 felines arrived at John F. Kennedy International Airport after a long journey from Hawaii, on their way to the safety of our Port Washington campus.

By |2023-09-13T20:37:05-04:00September 13th, 2023|

Kentucky Tornado Rescue Relief

As Kentucky and the surrounding areas deal with the aftermath of the recent tornados that hit the region, our Emergency Rescue Team is reaching out to our local partner shelters affected by the storm. We are prepared to help in any way we can, including rescuing and taking in animals that found themselves displaced from their loved ones. Below is a listing of shelters that can use your support. Some have Amazon Wish Lists where you can order items and send supplies directly to the areas in need.

By |2021-12-22T12:31:32-04:00December 14th, 2021|

Helping Recovery Efforts in the Gulf Coast Region

Though Hurricane Ida has come and gone in most people’s memories, the residents of the Gulf Coast region are still struggling. Electricity remains scarce in some areas, and access to gas and basic household goods is limited. Supported by the generosity of our local community, North Shore Animal League America continues to show up for the people and animals of the region.

By |2021-11-01T09:48:00-04:00October 5th, 2021|

Hurricane Ida Canine Rescues Arrive to Helping Hands

On Labor Day, 55 adorable canines exited our Mobile Rescue Unit into the bright sunshine, and into the helping hands of dozens of North Shore Animal League America volunteers and staff. These precious dogs and puppies now have a second chance at life with help from our shelter partner, Paws4Life. They were rescued from Louisiana-area shelters in advance of Hurricane Ida, in order to make room for animals displaced by the storm.

By |2021-10-06T09:18:52-04:00September 9th, 2021|

Providing Disaster Relief to Texas Animal Shelters

Reeling from devastating winter storms, millions of Texans struggled for survival without heat or clean water. For the state’s many homeless animals living outside or in shelters, the situation was becoming increasingly desperate. The Emergency Rescue Team at North Shore Animal League America quickly rallied to help. Our Mobile Rescue Unit delivered much needed supplies of pet food and medication to the area, and rescued 24 dogs and puppies from the elements, and possible euthanasia.

By |2021-02-26T17:37:19-04:00February 26th, 2021|

A Third Lifesaving Trip Returns from Hurricane-Devastated Southern States

On October 23, 2020, our Mobile Rescue Unit pulled into our Port Washington, N.Y. campus from its third lifesaving mission to the hurricane-devastated areas in Louisiana and Texas. It was carrying 37 puppies and dogs and 18 cats and kittens that would have been euthanized as the shelters there are overflowing with animals due to the non-stop storms.

By |2021-02-24T17:59:37-04:00October 30th, 2020|

Homeless Pets Arrive from Louisiana Following Hurricane Delta

North Shore Animal League America arranged a transport with PAWS4Life that would ultimately open up space in Bossier City Animal Control and other local shelters for animals that would need a haven after the latest devastating hurricane blew through the region. Hurricane Delta, the 10th named storm to make landfall in the United States in 2020, dropped more than 15 inches of rain in parts of Louisiana and Texas.

By |2021-02-24T17:59:37-04:00October 15th, 2020|

Saving Pets’ Lives in the Wake of Hurricane Laura

As Hurricane Laura was developing into a real threat, our Emergency Rescue Team began reaching out to our partner shelters in Louisiana and Texas to see what help we could provide. As always, supplies were at the top of the list, and clearing the shelters of as many homeless dogs and cats as we could to make room for those that would be displaced from their homes and families by this devastating storm.

By |2021-02-24T17:59:38-04:00September 8th, 2020|

Tiny Kitten Just Wants to Run Again

At just 12-weeks-old, Nubia was surrendered to the overcrowded Animal Care Centers (ACC) in New York City. It was clear she could not bear weight on her right leg. The staff at ACC immediately put out a plea for another shelter to take her in, with the hope they could somehow help this beautiful girl.

By |2020-01-03T11:20:39-04:00December 16th, 2019|

Broken and Alone in the Adirondacks

An urgent call came in about a young kitten found in a backyard in the Adirondacks that couldn’t walk at all. The staff at the Adirondack Cat Rescue and Adoption Center, part of our North Country Initiative in Glens Falls, N.Y. went immediately to pick her up.

By |2019-11-27T11:16:09-04:00October 10th, 2019|
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