
/Tag: Impoundment

Trying to get my puppy back.

My ex was watching our puppy when I was told she ran away. I then come to find out the owner of where my ex lives took the puppy and dumped her across town. He told me that he had called animal control. They went down there, and nothing was found on the 18th of the month. I was in the area, so I went in and asked to look and there she was! Unfortunately, the amount to get her out was 277.00 and I don't have that kind of money. Animal control wouldn't work with me. This was on the 20th of the same month. Now I found her at a rescue center with the price of 459. I can't get her out, I want my puppy back please help me.

By |2024-09-12T09:39:32-04:00August 31st, 2024|

Animal control took my cats and won’t return them.

I called Animal control because I'm disabled and couldn't get my pets to the vet. The building I live in wouldn't spray for a major flee swarm and my kitties were being eaten alive. Now they say I can't have them back. Please let me know how I can get them back. They are my service cats in training. But more so I miss them so much. I'm so broken đź’”

By |2024-09-04T16:17:30-04:00July 20th, 2024|

SPCA is making my neighbor get her dog fixed.

My neighbor’s dog got out when they weren’t home on 4th of July. She was found it seems in someone’s yard just up the street. They posted the dog through the Neighborhood app. My neighbor got home the next day, found the posting, but the dog had already been taken to the pound. My neighbor's son went to get the dog, they are saying the dog needs to be spayed as she was roaming at large. The dog was clearly not aggressive as the neighbor had her on a leash and called her puppers! Is this legal? They’ve kept the dog over the weekend, and I imagine intend to spay her Monday as they said the owners can come get her Tuesday. Is this legal? They don’t want to spay her.

By |2024-09-04T16:02:19-04:00July 12th, 2024|

Lost dog given up for adoption without notice.

Hello, My neighbors have been harassing my dog and I and one day took her off her chain outside and took her to the shelter. I called around and found her same day but was surprised to find it was going to cost me over $100 to have her returned. I'm recently unemployed and did not have the money on hand so had to wait until my dad had money in his account to give me money to have her returned. I was not aware that there is only a 3 day hold until she was already adopted! About a week later when I had the money to pick her up, the shelter told me she was put up for adoption and I immediately drove to the SPCA who told me she was adopted! I asked for the people's contact information so I could try to explain the situation to them and buy her back, hoping they would have the kindness in their hearts to agree to do so. But the SPCA refused. For some background information, I have severe PTSD and depression and have notes from my psychiatrist and general doctor that she is my service dog. I also paid $2,000 for her and my children are absolutely heartbroken as am I. Is there anything that can be done?? Please help!!

By |2024-09-04T15:42:57-04:00June 7th, 2024|

How can I get service dog out of the pound?

I was arrested for a traffic violation that was not my fault. My service dog was taken to the Animal Control. They are requiring that she be spayed before release and charging me over $400. She went in Friday night and I was released Monday morning, but they were closed Monday and Tuesday. She has saved my life more than once. I do not have that much money and it adds up every day. What can I do? I do not want her sterilized and I need her with me as soon as possible. What can I do?

By |2024-05-20T16:39:25-04:00May 5th, 2024|

My dog is being held for falsely being accused of biting someone.

My dog is being kept by Animal Control for falsely being accused of biting someone. Hearing has been completed and past the 7 days as stated by the hearing for the results. Ten days and no results, and they still have my dog in isolated confinement. No walks, visitors, we can drop off treats & a toy, which we did, but we get no status on how our dog is. Seems to be animal cruelty the way they are treating my dog with being falsely accused. We have done all that we were asked to do on the list to return our dog back to us, but they are still holding on to him.

By |2024-05-20T16:22:52-04:00April 20th, 2024|