Meet Blaze! When a shelter in the Cayman Islands contacted us about a dog named Blaze, who had been tied up and abandoned at their facility, we just knew we had to make him whole again. That meant transporting him 1,500 miles to our campus where we began assessing Blaze’s disability.
Unbeknownst to us, Blaze’s leg was amputated at the wrist but still allowed him to walk on it. So by the time he arrived in New York our veterinarians noticed the bottom of his leg was badly bruised and tattered. The good news, though, is that because Blaze had been using his leg, he was a perfect candidate for a prosthetic leg. Blaze’s happy and easy-going demeanor made it simple for our veterinarians to work with him. After weeks of perfecting Blaze’s prosthetic leg it was time for him to experience life at a different pace. The handsome, tan-colored pooch was off to the races, strutting around the Animal League Medical Center like nothing ever happened to his front paw.
Even though Blaze is having great success, he will still be monitored and will undergo physical therapy to ensure his leg can properly function in the prosthetic. With the help of North Shore Animal League America’s Sponsor Pet Program, Blaze is able to receive all of the medical care he needs for the rest of his life. And we thank our generous monthly Pet Sponsors for allowing us to do so. Please join us in welcoming Blaze to our program by becoming a monthly Pet Sponsor and help us continue our no-kill mission to Rescue, Nurture and Adopt.
March 2025
Blaze keeps his home full of fun and excitement, always ready to brighten the day with his playful antics. He loves finding the coziest nooks to nap in and often gets bursts of energy, chasing after his feline sibling, Willie. Whether it’s cuddle time or playtime, Blaze’s family treasures every moment with their adorable boy.
November 2024
Blaze continues to fill his home with laughter and warmth, always finding new ways to keep his family entertained. Whether he’s lounging in cozy spots around the house or having fun with his feline sibling, Willie, Blaze’s playful energy never fades. His family cherishes every moment with him, and his mom, Tara, is endlessly thankful to Blaze’s Sponsor family for making it possible for him to thrive and enjoy life to the fullest.
June 2024
Blaze is as happy-go-lucky as ever, according to mom Christina. Whether it’s going on a Home Depot run, playing in the yard or simply lounging on the couch, he is easy to please. “Leo is such a mellow dog and is just happy to be around people and relaxing,” she said. And for being such a good boy, they love rewarding him with treats, especially his favorite after-dinner ice cream!
February 2024
Blaze is a source of joy and comfort for his loving family and continues to be his goofy self, whether he is curled up in his parents’ walk-in closet or rolling around on the floor and wrestling with his feline sibling, Willie. Mom Tara is forever grateful for Blaze’s Sponsor family and hopes all the other Sponsor Pets are doing as well as Blaze!
November 2023
Blaze is entertaining his family every day with his playful disposition and, as always, spreading his unconditional love. This includes his feline brother Willie, who tolerates Blaze’s goofiness with good spirits.
May 2023
Blaze continues to enjoy the pleasures of his favorite chew toys and treats, but there is nothing he likes more than spending time cuddled up with his family. They are always patient with him if he needs a little calming down, and his adorable and sweet nature makes that so much easier.
March 2023
Blaze is enjoying all the creature comforts that come from life as a pampered pet. While he loves zooming around outside, wrestling with his feline sibling, and just being his goofy self, Blaze feels most secure when he’s cuddled up with his family nearby. No complaints from Blaze!
November 2022
Blaze is helping his family heal as they all adjust to the loss of his canine sibling, Kasey. “Blaze really misses her,” mom Tara reported. “We have to be careful and not say her name. When he hears it he actually looks for her. Though our hearts are broken, Blaze continues to cheer us up with his goofiness.” Blaze still enjoys wrestling with feline companion Willie though, who his family says does not know he’s a cat!
June 2022
Blaze really found the ideal family when he was adopted from Animal League America. They are eternally grateful for him and are extremely patient whenever he needs extra comforting. While he is happy to spend many hours tiring himself out while he plays with a favorite toy, he is always ready for quiet time with his favorite human companions. Life is good for Blaze!
March 2022
Blaze has been an active pup from the very start, and he continues to keep his family on their toes. They make sure he gets lots of time outside to expend his energy. Blaze likes to commit to a toy and will attach to it until he has worn it out completely. Blaze’s mom reported that he does have bouts with anxiety occasionally, and they are there to provide the support he needs to feel calm. It’s a job they enjoy, and Blaze rewards them with endless kisses!
November 2021
Blaze still hasn’t met a toy he won’t play with until it meets an early demise! Young at heart, he has boundless energy and enjoys running and playing until he wears himself out. Blaze can still be prone to anxiety from time to time, but with the love and special care from his family, he is overcoming his fears. When he needs to, he has cozy, safe places to curl up in, and his parents are happy to give him all the support he needs.
July 2021
Blaze is completely recovered from his earlier leg injury, says mom, Tara. In fact, when Blaze plays, he plays hard and will play until exhaustion! A recent medical issue that has emerged for Blaze, however, is an extreme anxiety related to wind. Says Tara, “The poor guy is terrified. He has anti-anxiety medication now which helps him.” And fortunately, Blaze has parents who will do whatever they need to, in order to make Blaze feel calm: “Blaze finds comfort and security in our walk-in closet, so we placed a cozy comforter in there and call it his bachelor pad.”
March 2021
Blaze’s mom, Tara, said he hurt his one front leg late last autumn! She heard a crash from another room and thinks it occurred when Blaze was playing with Kacey, his canine fur sibling. Tara and Jim brought him to Animal League America’s Pet Health Centers where they checked him over. The veterinarians decided first to treat him with medication and strict rest. His parents said it was heartbreaking to see him not able to walk. They had to carry him or move him around by pulling him across the floor in his bed. Thank goodness that this conservative treatment worked and he’s fine and healed now. Of course, he was back to making them giggle again in December. They had a life-size Santa Claus decoration in the house and Blaze was intrigued. At one point, Tara said it looked like he was actually having a conversation with Santa. “He’s such a goofball and he continues to make us laugh every single day,” she said.
November 2020
Blaze is enjoying his new home and was thrilled to have mommy there all the time due to the pandemic. He splits each day going from room to room to be sure to share himself with Tara and dad, Jimmy. They laugh because he’s such a goof ball! There’s no fenced-in yard yet at the new house so Blaze and his brother enjoy going on their walks for exercise. Blaze is good on the leash, but he can be protective of his family and nervous with new people, so they’re careful when out walking with him. Blaze just loves toys and though he’ll have several toys at once, he’ll play with one at a time until there’s nothing left of it. He also sleeps with a favorite toy, but is good about it when it’s time to replace it. Blaze’s parents call him an attention hog because he pushes his fur siblings, Kasey and Willie, out of the way when they get their share of loving.
July 2020
Blaze’s humans, Tara and Jim, recently moved to a new house and all the fur kids, including Blaze, took it in stride — for a while they were living together in a hotel when they had to leave the old house earlier than expected. Tara has been working from home, due to the COVID-19 health crisis, and the “kids,” who also include Kacey the dog and Willie the cat, love having her and Jim home all the time. “Blaze is doing just wonderfully and continues to make us laugh,” said Tara. “He loves to play with his toy. He’ll bring it to you and wait for you to throw it and he never misses catching it. He’s amazing!” Blaze continues to love his “snuggle” time and can often be found napping right next to his fur sibling, Kasey.
March 2020
Just looking at Blaze, you’d never know how much he has endured in his young life. His journey to health and a new family took him far from his original home. North Shore Animal League America received a call from a shelter in the Cayman Islands asking for help with a dog who’d been abandoned and had a terrible leg injury. It appeared that his leg had been amputated, but only at the wrist. So our veterinary team put their heads together and developed an innovative prosthetic device for the leg. Unfortunately, it turned out that the leg couldn’t function properly, even with the prosthesis, and had to be amputated. But that didn’t keep Blaze down! A special family, Tara and Jim, heard his story and it was love at fi rst sight. Blaze keeps an eye on his family members, furry and human. He wants to be where they are and have them join in his games with his many toys. They just adore him and wish to thank all his Sponsors who made it possible for Blaze to be such an important part of their family.
July 2019
Blaze continues to delight his family every day. He loves to play outdoors and run and jump. What disability? Although he arrived in 2015 from the Cayman Islands, having had part of his left foreleg injured and then amputated here, Blaze has overcome it all. So much so that Tara and Jim sometimes wonder who is taking care of who? He is loving and loyal and follows them around everywhere. They cannot imagine life without Blaze.
March 2019
Blaze arrived in 2015 from the Cayman Islands, having had part of his left foreleg injured and amputated. Resilient and good-natured, Blaze has come through a lot, sweetness intact. “He is extremely compassionate and loving toward us,” said his mom, Tara. Perfect example: When Tara was sick in bed for a week, he stayed by her side. If he had to eat or go outside, he’d leave his favorite toy behind to keep her company. “Blaze amazes us,” said Tara. “He is as attentive to our needs as we are to his.” Jim, his dad, and Tara thank Blaze’s sponsors for the gifts he gives them every day.
November 2018
Could life have worked out any better for this international rescue from Turks and Caicos? After being adopted from our Port Washington, N.Y. campus by the perfect family, this handsome tripod has been on cloud nine. This is exactly where he was always meant to be. “He’s been such a blessing to our family. He’s loving and loyal and always wants to be around us,” Tara said. “Adopting Blaze was one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. Jim and I couldn’t be happier to have him as part of our family.”
March 2018
Blaze continues to thrive with Tara and Jim! He has also become very close with their 4-year-old nephew. “I was giving my nephew a shower one night and soap got in his eyes, so of course there was some crying,” Tara says. “Blaze pushed the bathroom door open just to make sure that my nephew was okay.” Blaze is human dad’s right hand man. Whenever Jim transfers from his wheelchair, Blaze is right there to ensure a smooth changeover. What a kindhearted fellow he is! Thank you to all of his sponsor parents– it’s because of you that he’s healthy and surrounded by people who adore him.
December 2017
Blaze formed a strong bond with his adopted family beginning the first day they met at our Port Washington, N.Y. campus and that connection has only grown stronger. Blaze is a big mush who’s showered with love and attention from his human family. He and his canine and feline siblings find sharing their home simply a joy. All of the pets in the household seem happiest on those lazy days when they can lounge around the house as one big happy family. Thanks to the support of his sponsor parents, this lovable tripod will continue to live his life in pure comfort.
September 2017
“Blaze continues to amaze us every day,” says Tara, Blaze’s mom. “He is such a loving dog and you can tell how much he cares about his family. I recently had surgery on my foot and he was very attentive, always making sure I was okay.” When Blaze isn’t watching over his family, he can be found playing with his canine brothers and the family cat, Kasey. Blaze doesn’t discriminate when it comes to enjoying life – dog, cat, or human – if you are willing to play and have fun, he welcomes you with open paws.
June 2017
Blaze amazes his parents, Jim and Tara, every day. In addition to his playful, goofy side, he also has a very compassionate, protective side. He showed that side to Jim, an amputee bound to a wheelchair, who had fallen and was unable to get up on his own. Tara was not home, but Blaze managed to jump behind Jim and to push him into a sitting position. He continues to be great friends with canine sibling Kasey, feline brother, Willem, and family bird, Buddy.
March 2017
Blaze is such a caring, loving boy. When his doggy sister hurt her foot, Blaze would gently lay his head on her sore ankle…providing warmth. Like Blaze, his dad is also an amputee, and sometimes is unsteady on his feet. Blaze stays right by his side as much as possible and barks to let his mom know that dad needs her help. His family feels they are so lucky to have him and couldn’t be happier!
December 2016
Blaze doesn’t miss a beat even with only three legs! He and his canine and feline siblings continue to keep his adopters entertained and they couldn’t imagine life without them. The family enjoyed the fall foliage in northern New York where they live and are looking forward to the winter wonderland it will soon become.
September 2016
Blaze is still amazing. His family is so touched by Blaze’s strong bond with his feline brother, Willie. His family is working with Blaze to be less protective of them when visitors come to their home and more relaxed around strangers. They are sure they can help him so everyone can see the incredible Blaze they do every day. We are grateful to all of you for your generosity that helped save Blaze’s life.
June 2016
His family couldn’t be happier with him. He is a great family addition and is finally starting to calm down a bit. He still loves playing with his toys as well as his brothers, canine Kasey and Willie, the family cat. And when he’s had enough, you can fi nd him in bed, his favorite place. He continues to amaze his family every day with how smart he is and how much he can do. “He is very agile”, his mom Tara says. They also wish to thank all of Blaze’s wonderful sponsors for making it possible for him to be a part of their family and receive all the care he needs.
March 2016
We are happy to report Blaze is doing wonderfully. He continues to be a best buddy to canine brother Kasey. And now he plays with Willie, his family’s cat, too. He and Willie often sleep next to each other. Blaze is very smart and easy to train. He is also very protective of his home and family. His family is working on his manners when someone comes to the door. They are so happy he has fit into their family—and so is Blaze! All thanks to YOU.
December 2015
Blaze is such a happy dog and continues to bring happiness to the Donohues’ home. He loves to sit by the door with his doggy brother Kasey. Their nosy feline brother Willie usually sneaks up behind them to see what’s going on. Blaze and his family thank his sponsors for their support and good wishes.
September 2015
Blaze has been busy taking care of his dad, Jim, who was recently hospitalized with pneumonia. Thankfully, Jim is home and on the mend, and Blaze is his constant companion – keeping a close eye on his dad. Tara, Blaze’s mom, reports that Blaze himself is doing well, but missed his dad. Blaze’s family truly loves him and cannot say enough wonderful things about this amazing dog. Blaze has, indeed, found the perfect family. They all want to thank Blaze’s sponsors for their ongoing support, which makes it possible for Blaze to be a part of their family and live a long, happy and healthy life!
June 2015
Poor Blaze recently suffered complications from his partial amputation, including a serious infection. Our doctors tried everything they could to heal Blaze so he could begin to use the prosthesis again. Sadly, it wasn’t possible so a full amputation of the leg was required. Blaze is now back home with the Donohues and on the mend. His human mom, Tara, is happy to report that he’s the same happy, sweet boy he always was despite this new health challenge. In fact, he doesn’t even seem to know he’s missing anything!
March 2015
Since the day Blaze came to our campus he had a delightful disposition, even after traveling so far with a severe injury. With the hard work of our veterinarian staff, Blaze is on the move and currently living with a wonderful foster family. He is sharing a home with fellow canines that were happy to welcome the little guy. He’s being provided with the proper care and will be visiting the Animal League frequently to assure he is feeling comfortable. Let’s welcome Blaze in his new journey of living the best quality of life possible.