Meet Niko2024-11-04T10:55:43-04:00

Our shelter partner, Turks and Caicos Society for the Prevention of Cruelty for Animals (TCSPC) found eight-month-old Niko fending for himself on the streets. He’d been dragging himself around on his two severely fractured hind legs for months, likely the result of being hit by a car.

Sponsor Pet NikoSponsor Pet NikoSponsor Pet NikoSponsor Pet NikoSponsor Pet NikoSponsor Pet Nikosponsor-pet-niko-030623csponsor-pet-niko-030623asponsor-pet-niko-030623bSponsor Pet Niko, Summer 2022Sponsor Pet Niko, Summer 2022Sponsor Pet Niko, Summer 2022Sponsor Pet NikoSponsor Pet NikoSponsor Pet NikoSponsor Pet Niko
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Naturally, TCSPC reached out to North Shore Animal League America to get sweet Niko the medical care he so desperately needed. Once in the safety of our Port Washington, NY campus, his initial examination determined that Niko’s leg bones had fused abnormally, and we arranged for a consultation with an orthopedic specialist. Niko receives physical therapy to strengthen his legs, and was fitted with a hind limb assist cart to improve his mobility. The Pet Sponsorship Program assures that Niko will receive help for as long as he needs it, even if it’s for the rest of his life.

November 2024

Niko has been having an amazing summer filled with firsts. He enjoyed his first road trip to Vermont, where he made a new dog friend and was a perfect house guest. Niko even climbed six stairs with minimal help! Though he’s not keen on swimming, he loves exploring new scents and gazing out at Lake Champlain. “He’s a wonderful companion,” Karen exclaimed, “and we love him dearly.”

June 2024

Niko is overcoming his fears and showing improvement in his behavior, reported mom Karen. His curiosity still knows no bounds, and he loves poking his nose into absolutely everything, including “the groceries, a laundry basket, into your face if you’re sleeping!” Niko’s vibrant spirit keeps things lively, and keeps his canine sister, Praline, young and spry. His presence is cherished, adding warmth and energy to his home.

February 2024

Niko is making his family proud with his good behavior, said mom Karen. He’s more friendly with houseguests and continues to be curious about everything in their yard, especially leaf piles and birdfeeders. “We are grateful for his good humor and perseverance,” she added. “It makes us all smile to see him get excited for a walk or enjoy a new treat. He brings us so much joy!”

November 2023

Niko has been learning how to be the best dog he can be, with the help of lots of guidance from mom Karen. “We are working on nibbling less when excited or playing,” she said, “and also trying to train him out of pulling out of his harness on walks.” He enjoys his older canine sis Praline and will chase her around the backyard, but likes it best when she lets him catch her!

May 2023

Niko is moving well and dragging his leg less, so the booties he wears on pavement now last longer, reported mom Karen. “He’s also much more confident in taking some stairs or getting in and out of the car.” A favorite toy requires him to pull chipmunks out of a stuffed log, which he never tires of! “Niko is so loving and snuggly,” said Karen, “and continues to be a wonderful addition to our family.”

March 2023

Niko isn’t letting his disability slow him down. Mom Karen told us that he uses his hind leg for support, so they put a boot on it for protection from the pavement. “He drags his toes a bit, so we go through a boot every few weeks,” said Karen. “He also wears a harness on walks outside, as he can pull quite hard when he wants to go somewhere.” When not chasing squirrels, Niko also enjoys planting himself in the middle of the kitchen or Karen’s yoga mat mid-workout. She said, “He’s a beloved member of the family and has really found his place.”

November 2022

Niko is thriving is his new home, zipping around the yard, up the stairs, and gaining 50% of his bodyweight. He can get up to trouble if he is left alone too long, but his “Good Manners” class has helped him not to bark as much and get along with other dogs better. “Other progress is that he now looks forward to going places in the car,” mom Karen said. “Niko is joyful, energetic, and when he’s feeling mellow, he is so snuggly!”

June 2022

Niko is officially home! His adoring family even includes a canine sister Praline, who has been showing him the ropes. “He loves to have zoomies in the backyard with her and she is even sharing her bed with him,” his mom, Karen, said. “He’s enjoying his new toys and going for walks on our street.” With his weak hind leg, Niko prefers carpeting to hardwood floors, but is gaining more confidence in exploring his new environment every day. He’s gone from living life on the street to a warm, nurturing home, and we are so thrilled for Niko and his happy adopters!

March 2022

Niko is officially home! His adoring family even includes a canine sister Praline, who has been showing him the ropes. “He loves to have zoomies in the backyard with her and she is even sharing her bed with him,” his mom, Karen, said. “He’s enjoying his new toys and going for walks on our street.” With his weak hind leg, Niko prefers carpeting to hardwood floors, but is gaining more confidence in exploring his new environment every day. He’s gone from living life on the street to a warm, nurturing home, and we are so thrilled for Niko and his happy adopters!

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