Meet Tommy H2025-03-05T15:55:19-04:00

Meet Tommy H, a handsome, black-and-white cat who arrived at North Shore Animal League America via one of our shelter partners in Georgia. During his initial examination, our medical staff diagnosed him with dermatopathy (skin allergies). In addition, our behavioral experts observed that he disliked the company of other cats and was exhibiting anxiety-related issues.

Sponsor Pet Tommy HSponsor Pet Tommy HSponsor Pet Hudson, Summer 2022Sponsor Pet Hudson, Summer 2022Sponsor Pet Tommy HSponsor Pet Tommy HSponsor Pet Tommy HSponsor Pet Tommy HSponsor Pet Tommy HSponsor Pet Tommy HSponsor Pet Tommy H
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Tommy H was prescribed a special diet for his skin condition, and medication for over-grooming and improperly eliminating outside of his litter box, and this regimen has done wonders for him. As part of our Sponsor Pet family, Tommy H’s prescription food and medicine will be covered in our Pet Health Centers for as long as he requires them – even if it’s for the rest of his life. Thank you for sponsoring Tommy H!

March 2025

Tommy H (aka Hudson) might act out a bit when his mom is away but he reverts to his charming self on her return. Hudson loves nothing more than snuggles, chin rubs and his favorite squeaky mouse toys. He’s also Rachel’s curious little helper, often investigating her meals or assisting with projects. Rachel couldn’t ask for a more loyal partner in crime and she loves him unconditionally.

November 2024

Tommy H (aka Hudson) recently exhibited some behavioral issues while mom Rachel was away, but once she returned and straightened out his medication, Hudson quickly returned to his sweet, affectionate self. He particularly loves snuggling, chin rubs, and chasing his squeaky mouse toys. Whether investigating Rachel’s meals or “helping” with puzzles, Hudson is a constant source of love and laughter for his mom, who put it simply: “He’s my loyal companion and best friend.”

March 2024

Tommy H (aka Hudson) loves attention and according to mom Rachel, “believes the more people to worship him the better.” Hudson loves pets, chin scratches and cuddles in addition to a warm lap or flopping down beside his mom in bed. This loving ball of fur happily purrs and drools when especially happy. Although he dislikes having his claws clipped and being ignored, his unwavering loyalty and sweet nature make him Rachel’s favorite companion!

February 2024

Tommy H (aka Hudson) can usually be found on his favorite perch, looking out the window and being entertained by all the sights. It has been years since mom Rachel and Hudson first met, and he instantly endeared himself to her with his “immediate warmth and gentle nature.” Thankfully Hudson’s special diet and medication enables him to live his healthiest and best life, one filled with endless affection and snuggles.

May 2023

Tommy H (aka Hudson) has maintained his charm and good looks and has been a wonderful source of comfort to mom Rachel. Hudson still likes to keep watch over the goings-on outside his window, but when he is not acting as sentry he loves being curled up in his favorite safe spot right beside mom.

March 2023

Hudson is still keeping a careful watch over all the goings on in the city outside, while sitting on his favorite window perch. As lovable and sweet as ever, Hudson has been a great source of comfort to his mom Rachel.

November 2022

Tommy H (aka Hudson) is showing himself to be the most loving companion. Mom Rachel told us, “Hudson is my best friend. He’s always with me, and every time I look at him, I can’t help but smile.” He is quite the clever cat as well and has even learned to tell time! “When I’ve asked Hudson to wake me up in the morning at a certain time he’ll do it,” Rachel said. “And he’s usually correct within the quarter hour!”

June 2022

Hudson is as handsome as ever, and continues to charm his mom and dad on a daily basis. They reported that he has turned into quite a mush. “Hudson has grown especially cuddly,” said dad, Brian. “He is such a happy little boy.” Hudson has also found his voice and started ‘talking’ quite a bit, to the delight of his family. Apparently, he is especially vocal when a bird lands outside his window!

March 2022

Hudson’s affection does not play favorites. His dad, Brian, reports that Hudson charms them every day, and that “there is rarely a moment where he is not at our side or following us to supervise what we are doing. After dinner, he curls up with his head over my arm, or on Rachel’s lap. He’s very smart and shares his time between us!” Still not interested in toys, Hudson has made an exception for a particular shiny frog, and has worn through one already!

November 2021

We are thrilled this special Sponsor cat has a new home — and a new name, Hudson! The moniker is perfect because he now spends his days soaking in the river view. “His immediate warmth and gentle nature let us know that he was the right cat for us,” said dad, Brian. “It was only after we fell in love with him that we even knew that he was a sponsored cat. Having his special diet, medication, and medical care covered is a bonus!” Since coming home, Hudson has acclimated quickly. At night, he joins his parents on the couch to watch TV and receive lots of cuddles. “He is so incredibly loving,” Brian said. “We are so very lucky to have him in our lives.”

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