Help Fancy Heal

Help Fancy Heal2024-06-25T16:55:52-04:00

Help This Brave Pup Recover From Injury and Abuse

Despite a heartbreaking start to life, eight-month-old pup Fancy is full of kisses and has a tail that never stops wagging. Fancy was found by the side of the road in Texas after being hit by a car and unable to walk. With many helping hands, from the kind soul who first picked her up to our incredible shelter partner Friends of Jefferson Animals, who we were able to get Fancy transported to our Pet Health Centers for treatment.

Now we need your support to help her heal and experience the love she’s never known.

Our veterinary team moved quickly, and Fancy underwent a surgical procedure to repair her injured leg, but her road to recovery is far from over. Dr. Katarina Valen, an Animal League America Veterinarian, explained, “X-rays revealed Fancy suffered from a broken pelvis and a severely fractured left leg. We performed an FHO, or femoral head ostectomy, and she’s recovering well. An FHO restores pain-free mobility to a damaged hip by removing the head and neck of the femur. The muscles of the leg initially hold the femur in place, and over time, scar tissue will form to support the joint. Fancy’s pelvis will require about two months to heal, and she must be restricted in physical activity during that time.”

Help Fancy Heal
Help Fancy Heal

Tragically, Fancy’s x-rays proved even more revealing to her history. There is a BB lodged behind her left knee, indicating that at some point in her short puppy life, Fancy was shot with a BB gun. Currently, the BB isn’t causing problems, so it will remain, but we will monitor it as she grows.

In the days ahead, Fancy will require extensive physical therapy at our Pet Health Centers, where she can access hydrotherapy, laser therapy and even acupuncture treatments that will help her regain full mobility. First, however, she needs a loving foster home, where she can safely and quietly recover. Fancy’s innate sweetness and capacity to love despite her suffering inspire us to do everything possible to give her the bright future she deserves.

Your support will help Fancy heal and continue her journey to a full recovery. Please join us in giving Fancy a better life.

Help Fancy Heal