Not only does Animal League America save the lives homeless animals from across the U.S., but we care about our four legged friends from around the globe as well. Our Rescue Department has collaborated with organizations from places like Beijing, Yulin, Taiwan, Thailand, Turks & Caicos, Kosovo, Russia, etc.
As the world’s largest no-kill animal rescue and adoption organization we take pride in providing better lives for as many homeless animals as we can, regardless of the lengths we have to go to do so.
Read About Our International Rescue Efforts
Our shelter partner, Turks and Caicos Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (TCSPCA), reached out to us to help a hurt pup needing medical care beyond what they could handle. Our rescue team acted swiftly, and brave Niko was soon on his way to the safety of our Port Washington, NY campus.
North Shore Animal League America partnered, for the first time, with K9 Global Rescue to bring four dogs, rescued from a South Korean dog meat farm, to a new life in the United States where they will now become treasured pets. After more than 20 hours traveling by land and air, the dogs arrived at the airport and were met by our Rescue Team who then shepherded them through U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and brought them safely to our Port Washington, NY campus.
As he was carefully loaded onto a stretcher and placed into one of Animal League America’s Mobile Rescue Units, you could see the pain in Clifford’s big brown eyes. Earlier this year, this young dog was rescued in Turks and Caicos by the local SPCA after suffering multiple traumatic injuries to one of his front legs and hips, presumably a result of being hit by a car or truck. When they realized how severe Clifford’s injuries were, they reached out to the world’s largest no-kill rescue and adoption organization for assistance.
We teamed up with Elephant Nature Park Dog Sanctuary in northern Thailand to save the lives of three 5-month-old puppies who were abandoned at the gates of the facility with no food, water, or shelter.
North Shore Animal League America’s Rescue Team joined in the efforts to prevent six Shepherd mix puppies from suffering horrific ends before their lives even began at the Yulin Meat Trade “Festival” in China.
As millions of Floridians continue to regroup after Hurricane Irma tore through the state, our Emergency Rescue Team is there to provide relief in any way possible.
Monday, May 22nd may have been just another day for many, but for the 16 dogs transported to North Shore Animal League America after being rescued from suffering a cruel demise at the Yulin Dog Meat Trade Festival in China, it was a momentous occasion.
As the world’s largest no-kill rescue and adoption organization, North Shore Animal League America has been saving the lives of precious dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens since 1944—well over one million to date.
Imagine this: You're a dog. Okay, I know it’s not the easiest thing to fathom considering you don’t have four legs and most of us aren’t covered in fur. But, think about what it would be like to trek up and down the heavily forested mountains of Taiwan as a guide dog. Now, imagine the government closes the patrol station because of budget cuts, and you’re left stranded in severely harsh conditions with no food, no water and hardly any shelter.