Puppy Mill Rescue

Puppy Mill Rescue2017-08-02T18:50:28-04:00

Animal League America partners with other animal welfare groups to conduct Puppy Mills Rescues — rescues that pull animals out of the cruel and inhumane conditions of commercial breeding facilities in various parts of the country— often rescuing these animals from imminent destruction.

What’s So Cruel About Puppy Mills?

As we walk by the window of the pet shop in town, all we see are the cute little puppies. What we don’t see are the large, inhumane breeding operations that supply so many pet stores across the U.S. Breeding operations put profit over animal welfare, imprisoning female dogs to breed litter after litter, without proper medical care or human contact.

The conditions in many of these mills are indescribably cruel — many of the puppy mill dogs we rescue have never been cared for, have never been outside a cage, have never been held or felt grass under their feet.  All they know are the close, cramped cages that confine them day after day, year after year.

These breeding mother dogs may suffer from genetic problems or chronic medical neglect, arriving at our facility with health problems that our team of veterinarians and behaviorists assess and treat.

Read About Our Rescue Efforts

For eight years, Katie endured a life of hardship at the hands of a commercial breeding facility. Thanks to our partnership with National Mill Dog Rescue, this sweet Maltese was saved and brought to North Shore Animal League America. We soon learned, however, that Katie was pregnant, yet again. We don’t know how many litters Katie had already been forced to bear — all without the comfort of nurturing care or proper medical attention — but we promised her this one would be the last.
Throughout 2024, our rescue team worked tirelessly alongside our partner, National Mill Dog Rescue, to save the lives of hundreds of dogs and puppies from commercial breeding facilities. Animal League America’s Senior Rescue Manager Karla Scaramuzzo explained, “We’ve been doing more commercial breeding rescue transports than usual this past year. With less people buying pets, commercial breeders have been left with a surplus of animals whose lives are at risk.”
In collaboration with National Mill Dog Rescue, North Shore Animal League America saved 53 small breed dogs from the inhumane conditions of commercial breeding facilities in the Midwest. The rainy morning of their arrival did not dampen the spirits of all the volunteers, who were enthusiastically waiting to greet the survivors. These resilient canines – including Shih Tzus, Cavapoos, mini Australian Shepherds, Labradoodles, French Bulldogs, Maltese and Havanese – were carried off our Mobile Rescue Unit and into the safety of our Port Washington adoption center to start their new life.
On a crisp spring morning, the North Shore Animal League America’s Mobile Rescue Unit arrived carrying 43 dogs and puppies saved from commercial breeding facilities throughout the Midwest. The canines, mostly seniors, were subjected to lives of neglect and hardship, but now have a second chance to experience love and kindness.
Fifty-one dogs and puppies saved from commercial breeding facilities throughout the Midwest arrived at North Shore Animal League America, thanks to our partnership with National Mill Dog Rescue. It was a journey from fear and neglect to hope and healing. Many of the rescued dogs spent their past lives confined; never experienced a gentle touch or soft grass beneath their paws. Now they have a second chance for a better future.
North Shore Animal League America embarked on a lifesaving mission in collaboration with partner National Mill Dog Rescue; driving our Mobile Rescue Unit to Missouri to pick up 26 small breed dogs who were saved from Midwest commercial breeding facilities. The dogs traveling to our Port Washington, NY campus included breeds such as Maltese, Dachshunds, Labradoodles, Pomeranians and Shih Tzus. What set this rescue apart was the higher number of puppies and younger canines compared to previous commercial breeding rescues.
North Shore Animal League America completed another collaborative rescue mission this October with partner National Mill Dog Rescue, saving 47 dogs and puppies from commercial breeding facilities in the Midwest. Encompassing a variety of primarily small breeds from poodles to corgis, the canines arrived at our Port Washington campus in dire need of extensive care after lives spent in cramped cages, devoid of nurturing.
Despite days of challenging weather, our Rescue Team persevered to reach the more than 50 dogs saved from commercial breeding facilities throughout the Midwest. Working in partnership with National Mill Dog Rescue, they transported dogs and puppies – including Shih Tzus, Chihuahuas, Spaniels, Yorkies, Poodles and Shepherd mixes – via our Mobile Rescue Unit to the safety of our Port Washington, NY campus. These precious canines, who were cruelly cast aside and at risk of being euthanized, are now getting a new beginning and the care they deserve.
Thanks to our ongoing partnership with National Mill Dog Rescue, now 50 dogs and puppies have a second chance at life after being saved from commercial breeding facilities in the Midwest. Witnessing this mission firsthand was Animal League America staff member and designer David Haliski. Usually capturing photographs of transport arrivals to our Port Washington, NY campus, this time David traveled with rescue team members Ted Moriates and Karla Agostinello on the Mobile Unit to Missouri and back.
Saved as part of a National Mill Dog Rescue mission that included 50 small breed dogs, young Tillie had already proven herself to be a survivor. Life in a commercial breeding facility, like the one Tillie was rescued from, typically means inhumane conditions where dogs are treated solely as commodities. We were thankful to have this sweet Silky Terrier girl in our care, and shortly realized her condition was more complex. Though barely a year old herself, Tilly was pregnant. Given her young age and diminutive size, we knew that it was possible she could struggle with delivery.
As the temperatures dipped into single digits, our dedicated volunteers awaited the arrival of 50 small breed dogs — including Yorkies, Maltese, Pugs, Shih Tzus, Boston Terriers and Corgis — who were rescued from commercial breeding facilities throughout the Midwest.
In partnership with National Mill Dog Rescue, the Animal League America Mobile Rescue Unit traveled to the Midwest to save 57 small breed dogs and puppies who had been living in deplorable conditions. The commercial breeding facility that had been their home was being shut down by government authorities.
The lifesaving work of North Shore Animal League America does not rest. Just weeks from rescuing 40 dogs from commercial breeders in the Midwest, our Rescue Team made another trip westward and returned with more than 50 dogs and puppies from Kansas-area breeding facilities.
To meet Mildred, you must be ready to receive her hugs and kisses. Despite her difficult start to life — struggling with hypothyroidism which was left untreated — this six-year-old pug is incredibly affectionate and welcomes everyone enthusiastically.
Forty resilient dogs and puppies — representing a wide array of small breeds — arrived to North Shore Animal League America ready for a fresh start. Rescued in collaboration with long-time partner, National Mill Dog Rescue, these endearing animals came from commercial breeding facilities throughout the Colorado area, where their lives were at risk.
Finally safe and sound, a striking array of dogs and puppies descended the steps of the Animal League America Mobile Rescue Unit on Sunday, November 14, 2021, into the welcoming arms of our volunteers. In all, 48 incredible animals – no longer unwanted – arrived to have their lives transformed.
After ten-year-old Phoenix was rescued from a puppy mill, he wasn’t ready for his journey to be over. Though his frail body gave out from cardiac arrest within minutes after arriving to our campus, miraculously this little Maltese sputtered back to life in our Pet Health Center, earning him the nickname Phoenix.
48 dogs and two puppies rescued from commercial breeders in the Midwest arrived to our Port Washington, NY campus. As one-by-one, a variety of dogs — including many Poodles, Pomeranians, Dachshunds, Shih Tzus, and Yorkies — made their way into the gentle hands of our volunteers to be carried inside, you could see a common feature in all their faces. They were ready to accept a tender touch. Whether shy, or confidently seeking attention, it was clear each dog was grateful for the kindness and compassion we were there to give.
More than 100 mostly small breed dogs and puppies arrived on our Port Washington, NY campus with our Rescue Team on two Mobile Rescue Units, filled to capacity. They were rescued from awful conditions in Missouri and Oklahoma through a large-scale collaborative effort with National Mill Dog Rescue and five local animal welfare organizations.
North Shore Animal League America’s Mobile Rescue Team huddled through tornado alerts with blaring sirens and then faced snow and below-freezing temperatures during their seven-state trip to rescue mill dogs and puppies in a collaborative effort with our partner, National Mill Dog Rescue.
At North Shore Animal League America, our no-kill mission knows no season. Rather, it is a year-round commitment to every dog, cat, puppy and kitten in need. As temperatures were dropping our Rescue Team met up in Missouri with our partners at National Mill Dog Rescue to help bring 43 dogs and puppies, who were rescued from the horrors and inhumane conditions of commercial breeding facilities, to the love and safety of our Port Washington, NY campus.
North Shore Animal League America has once again joined forces with National Mill Dog Rescue to save the lives of innocent animals living in cruel and inhumane conditions. This time, the collaborative rescue efforts helped to pull 57 dogs and puppies from various commercial breeding facilities in Oklahoma and Missouri.
With the help of National Mill Dog Rescue, a non-profit organization based in Peyton, Colorado, dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating discarded breeding dogs, Animal League America was able to change the world of 53 deserving animals this past weekend.
Last month 52 brave dogs and puppies, rescued from the deplorable conditions of a puppy mill, arrived at our Port Washington, N.Y. campus. Thanks to a collaborative rescue effort with National Mill Dog Rescue, a Colorado based non-profit organization that has rescued 12,000 animals from commercial breeding facilities since its inception in 2007, these deserving animals are now safe and sound in the care of the nurturing staff here at Animal League America.
In collaboration with National Mill Dog Rescue we were able to free these animals from lives of overbreeding and inhumanity and provide a better tomorrow.
Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate gratitude – when we stop to appreciate the things in our lives that we are thankful for. At North Shore Animal League America we are thankful for all of our loyal supporters and generous donors who continue to allow us to save the lives of hundreds of homeless animals each year.
Five pickup trucks trudge through a muddy, rain-soaked field in the rural Midwest. Stacked haphazardly in the flat beds of these trucks sit a handful of wire crates covered by a giant tarp. Crammed inside these flimsy, rusted crates are terrified dogs fresh out of the nightmare that is living as a breeding machines in a cold, inhumane commercial breeding facility.
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